

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:06:44北京青年报社官方账号





"For nearly 20 days a demolition plan was about to be carried out at the site," his wife Xu recalled. "We seized the opportunities to advocate at a cultural relics protection forum and gained wide support from the authorities."


"Following special training, all Claridge's waiters are adept at the correct way to prepare the perfect cup of tea," says Henrietta Lovell of the Rare Tea Company. "The exact amount of tea is weighed before being brought to the table along with water at the optimum temperature, which is used to steep the tea to the guest's preferred strength. Once served, the remaining water is drained off the leaves ready for a second infusion - which experts regard as being even better than the first."


"Generally, the idea of a museum conveys a sense of heavy or dull historical objects covered with dust. But using modern design and technology, the power in such objects to stir cultural pride can be harnessed. Merchandise, in turn, gives such objects added significance," said Ji Gang, partner of consultancy firm Roland Berger.


"For startup companies, the costs and talent pool are the two key factors. Before we settled down in Suzhou, I had studied a number of other cities, but only Suzhou can provide the ideal entrepreneurship environment and affordable operating costs. The many policies to attract experts and industry leaders are also crucial to companies in their early days," he said.


"Foxconn is not just a contract manufacturer of electronic devices, but is also engaged in the design and production of some precision elements in the supply chain sector, and gained experience and strength in intelligent manufacturing," said James Yan, research director at Counterpoint Technology Market Research.


